Saturday, May 4, 2013

041 - Sargon 2.0 : Hidden Pigs

Hi all, I've had very little time in the past (and will have the next months) so not many updates.  But the hidden goodies in map 1 of the new event I want to share with you.  Ofcours, with many thanks to our German friends ;)

Every hidden pig is worth 10 shadows, enjoy :)


EDIT : The easter eggs in map 2 seems to be the same as the previous event.  You can find them in post 39.

No Sargon bug anymore !!!  It seems they erased the Sargon bug of the previous event.  It's not possible to stun Sargon at one place anymore.  For a dragon knight it's very difficult to kill him now, ranged attacks are no preferable.